How Can We Help Our Anxious Dog? With CBD, of Course!

 Whether your dog – or you – suffer from anxiety caused by:       Separation       Noise       Travel       Moving to a new home       Meeting new people and other dogs, or       Trauma or PTSD Don’t despair! A growing body of research […]

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Healthy Holiday Mocktail

Healthy Holiday Mocktail If you’ve read our Winter Fitness Survival Guide, you’re already equipped to stay on track with your fitness goals through the holidays. But what about when it’s time to slow down and simply celebrate? 

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Everything You Need to Know About Our CBD Gummies

Everything you Need to Know About our CBD Gummies We offer the perfect mix of relaxation and recovery that will leave you craving more. The result? A balanced blend of phytocannabinoids, fresh fruit juices, and a hit of sugar, all wrapped up in a squishy CBD gummy.    Getting Down to the Sweet Stuff: Why […]

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When the leaves begin to turn gold and orange, you can be sure that pumpkins will start to appear everywhere. Notices of pumpkin rides and pumpkin fests herald in doorsteps and windows filled with those bright orange gourds. It is the season to sip a pumpkin latte and devour a pumpkin pie. It’s a shame […]

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The Best Pumpkin Spice CBD Cookie Recipe of All Time

Whether a crisp autumn breeze is blowing your pumpkin obsession just a tad out of proportion or you’ve got a year-round yearning for sweet, pumpkin-flavored treats, it’s time to surrender to the power of pumpkin spice with a mouthwatering CBD cookie recipe. It’s simple: Take a classic cookie, layer in a few flavors of fall, […]

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Pumpkin Spice CBD Protein Shake

Pump-kin it up CBD Smoothie   It’s officially October, and that means Pumpkin Spice Season. While this is a popular food trend every year autumn rolls around, pumpkin actually has some great benefits.  We’ve created a protein packed, pumpkin spice CBD smoothie you can trade in your PSL for. Packed with vitamin A, antioxidants, and […]

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Date Sweetened “Carmel” CBD Apple

Date Sweetened “Caramel” CBD Apple This season = Pumpkin spiced lattes, apple pies, and gravy coated….well, everything.  We created this healthy CBD Caramel Apple recipe so you can enjoy all your favorite things about fall without straying too far from your fitness goals. The caramel sauce is sweetened with dates which are a great source […]

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Running With Your Dog

If you have never been a runner, this may be the perfect time of year to start, the perfect season to get a much needed physical and mental boost that running can provide. And why not bring along your best friend – your DOG! Anandamide and the Runner’s High Anandamide is an endocannabinoid the we […]

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Can You Cook With CBD Oil?

Are you a baker or a chef? Do you love to cook up scrumptious delectables for friends and family?  If so, you’ve probably heard about infusing your cooking oils with other ingredients for an even more enhanced flavor. Chili flakes, garlic, rosemary, you name it—these little additions can transform a good dish into a great […]

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